Ford-for-all and all-for-Ford! Car and Driver magazine names the best 20 Ford cars of all time. Our team at Randall Reed’s Planet Ford in Humble (serving Kingwood, Atascocita, katy, and Conroe areas) have more than 20 favorites. We tried and couldn’t narrow it down. Which one is your Ford fave?
Ford Motor Company has been building vehicles since 1903, so there have been many wonderful models to roll off the production line. Through sheer longevity, Ford is bound to have built some great vehicles over 111 years, right? Absolutely! So many in fact, per Car and Driver, “they’ve actually built enough great cars that it’s tough to pare the list down to 20”
So, how did the magazine measure greatness? The magazine says their final working criteria is wildly inconsistent, contradictory, and irrational.
Check out the magazines Greatest Fords of All Time.
Click to read the full story from Car and Driver.