Ford Honored By Michigan Blue Economy Report

As a company, Ford has long demonstrated a commitment to environmental sustainability. Ford Motor Company was recently recognized by the Michigan Blue Economy Report, an overview of Michigan’s efforts to maintain the natural beauty and balance of the Great Lakes area and to foster sustainable and responsible water use practices. Through collaboration between Michigan-based businesses, the state government, and monitoring organizations, the Michigan Blue Economy aims to promote long-lasting protection of the Great Lakes’ natural resources.

Ford has made impressive strides in reducing the environmental impact of its various facilities and its water use across the board. Interbrand ranked Ford #1 on its list of the 50 Best Global Green Brands, thanks in no small part to Ford’s Global Water Management Initiative that the company launched in 2000. Under this plan, Ford aimed to reduce its water use by 3 percent annually. This goal was increased in 2011, aiming to reduce water use by 30 percent per car built by 2015. Ford achieved this two years ahead of schedule, back in 2013.

Between 2000 and 2013, Ford reduced its overall global water consumption by an astounding 61 percent. That equates to about 10 billion gallons worldwide! Over this same period, Ford facilities across the globe reduced their annual water consumption from 64 million cubic meters to 25 million cubic meters. This was achieved by pioneering new manufacturing processes that help reduce water consumption in everything from factory cooling towers (one of the biggest consumers of water at Ford plants) to painting vehicles coming off the assembly line. More closely monitoring water consumption through the use of water meters has helped Ford identify even more ways to save water.

Between the extensive efforts to reduce water consumption in every possible part of the manufacturing process, the widespread use of recycled materials in many of its models, and its growing stable of hybrid and electric vehicles, Ford is and intends to remain the leader in environmental conservation and sustainability among the major automakers. Randall Reed’s Planet Ford in Humble is proud to be part of this tradition by offering the greenest cars on the market. Being green doesn’t end with fuel economy, after all; it is important to constantly look for ways to improve and lessen the impact a business has on its surroundings. This is something that Ford Motor Company does very well and will continue to do so.

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