Randall Reed’s Planet Ford makes headlines for helping HAMM help kids in our community have a happier holiday
Randall Reed’s Planet Ford is proud to make newspaper headlines with Humble Area Assistance Ministries (HAAM) for their community toy and food drive to help area families in need. “Drives like these are especially important with so many still needing assistance after the effects of Hurricane Harvey,” said John Centner, General Manager of Planet Ford in Humble. The storm has left many residence living in temporary living situations, seeking out new employment and in need of a helping hand.
Every year, HAAM works extra hard at the holidays to not only gather food and funds, but kick off an annual toy drive called The Empty Stocking Toy Drive. The Planet Ford is providing and accepting donations to help replenish the charity’s depleted food and holiday resources.
Also helping HAAM is a special school Planet Ford has worked with over the years, MOSAIC Transition Program at The Cambridge School. Several students have made it a holiday miss to help provide during the Christmas season.
How You Can Help
Planet Ford in Humble on Hwy. 59 is a drop-off location for both non-perishable food items and unwrapped toys. Help us Fill-A-Ford full of much needed food and toys.
You may also join Planet Ford, HAAM and MOSAIC us on Dec. 13, an Humble ISD school bus will be parked in front of The Cambridge School from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. for a Fill-A-Bus event. They’re asking all nearby residents and local businesses to come together or to individually purchase and deliver any new, unwrapped toys to literally fill the bus. All toys will benefit local, displaced children in need, between the ages of preschool and middle school.

Also on Dec. 13, the HAAM resale shop, Loop 494, is hosting a Cocoa and Cookies toy drive. Residents are asked to decorate HAAM’s Christmas tree with gift cards. There will be refreshments available from 4 to 7 p.m. at the shop; a drive-through option will be available for those wishing to donate toys or gift cards without stopping.
Planet Ford is located HAAM is located at 1302 First Street in Humble. For details, call Garrison at 281-446-1314. The Cambridge School is located on the backside of The Community Learning Center at 18901 Timber Forest Dr., Atascocita. For questions about this event or how or what to donate, contact Perkins at 281-641-7445.